If you would like your works included in publications of the Marlow Writers’ Society SLACK magazine, which benefits a local charity, then this is how it works.
Please base your writings on our monthly themes and topics and not on any pre-written works or other publications. You can submit up to three pieces
equivalent to 1,000 words maximum in font size 14 but in any writing style/font combination, so that you are happy with how it looks on the page(s) but that
we achieve a balance between all contributors. This will allow our wonderful member and production manager Bill Dunn to add unique illustrations which
make SLACK zines so special.
Please submit your works in advance for an editorial spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) check to our extremely competent Debbie. She will advise and send any corrected versions, if necessary, back to you, so that you can then send your final copies to Bill.
Bill and Jonathan will then arrange printing and distribute your copies to you personally at the next available MWS meeting or by other arrangement. You
will need to confirm to Jonathan by email that you want to participate and agree your proportion of the publication costs. As a guide this might be around £1.50 per copy (depending on the number of copies and recent inflation). At the same time, please confirm how many copies you want to receive.
You are responsible for their sale/distribution on the basis that you will pay £2 each per copy in advance to our chosen charity, Marlow Refugee Action (MRA). You
can pay cash at a monthly meeting or preferably pay directly into the MWS account for subsequent forwarding to MRA before receiving your copies.
MWS account details are:
Name: Marlow Writers’ Society
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Acct Number: 35242268